Tuesday, March 24, 2009

its been awhile since i post anything.... hurm.. a lot of thing happen to me lately... some make me feel im lucky n some make me feel i had 21 years of bad luck... hahahah... but anyhow, its still the same feeling in da end of the day... i feel lucky and happy dat im alive and can get through it.. evan the result is not to my liking or easy said i failed to the task but at least i done it... nobody can say anything bout it... some thing cannot be change... people talk bout lot of things but in da end it depand how we can accept or how we receive it.. some people says thing dat we interperated differently from wat it meant to be... someone maybe just meant A but in our understanding Aa or just a.... then conflict happen... wat worse if that simple misunderstanding each other make a life long hate.. let says some one says, "hey, r u gaining weight coz u look plumper these day..... which i am... but if im understood differently, let say i undertsood like the person who says these meant that she or he notice me and concern bout my health or well-being... or i understood it differently she or he meant that i am FAT,UGLY,...well this can hurt my feeling n make me feel angry... hurm... Maybe that person just meant that u gaining weight, or he or she really meant ur FAT... who knows the only person dat knows is the person who said it...

TO ALL PEOPLE.. that i mis interprated or they mis interprated me... IM SO SORRY... Angry is a part of nature, and forgiveness is also a part of nature.. i ask ur forgiveness for all the misunderstanding that we may had in da past or da future...