Thursday, February 25, 2010

HaPpY BirThDay Ibu!

Pada tanggal 24 feb 1960 seorang wanita yang aku amat sayangi telah lahir ke dunia.. kerana tanpa wanita itu siapa lah aku.. entah2 x ada di dunia yang penuh penipuan ini... IBU happy birthday.. moga2 panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki... semoga kebahgiaan sentiasa bersama ibu dan sentiasa diredhai Allah.. AMIN!! sorry, ayu x dapat bagi hadiah tahun ni... duit x cukup... loan mara x dapat lagi... nanti ayu dah dapat loan mara kita kuar ramai2 yer..... Sorry atas semua salah ayu... emosi x stabil lagi... still x matang dalam setiap benda yang ayu buat... thankz coz sayang ayu... LOVE U!!

IBU ( a edited version of mama spice girl)

She used to be my only enemy and never let me free,
Catching me doing things that I know I shouldn't do,

Every other day I crossed the line,

I didn't mean to be so bad,

I didn't mean to make u sad,
I never thought you would become the friend I never had.
Back then I didn't know why,
why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all that you did was love,
IBU I love you, IBU I care,
IBU I love you, IBU my angel,
My angel
I didn't want to hear it then but I'm not ashamed to say it now,
Every little thing you said and did was right for me,
I had a lot of time to think about,
about the way I used to be,

Never had a sense of my responsibility.

Back then I didn't know why,
why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all that you did was love,

IBU I love you, IBUI care,

IBU I love you, IBU my friend,
My friend

But now I'm sure I know why,
why you were misunderstood,

So now I see through your eyes,
all I can give you is love,
IBU I love you, IBU I care,
IBU I love you,
IBU my life

Thankz to a women so amazing that give me strength to live my everyday life with faith... I'm always in debt with her n I'm not ashamed to say to the world that i love her...

Wat bagan LaLanG?? Sg PeLek?? Ice Room??

Yo wassup?? hahaha.. asal aku tulis blog ni pown aku x tau... aku sajer2 jew nak citer aku merayau 2 negeri.. negeri mana?? selangor ngan negeri tanah tumpah darah ku... negeri mana lagi... negeri sembilan lah... Balik dari kelas yang sentiasa membuat hati aku berdebar-debar.. aku telah diajak oleh miss balik umah untuk bersama-sama dengan miss mini copper merah ke ice room yang telah menjadi kedai makan ais krim yang ter HOT setakat ini di dalam nilai..... sesampai kami di sana dgn minyak keta yg telah di isi oleh miss balik umah... aku yg bermata 4 ni telah melihat kete production tv3 terpakir di tempat pakir kereta...rupa2 nyer ada rakaman rancangan makan2 tu yg pengacara dia S.R tu.... ala yg pengacara dia buru kawin tu... kami pown masuk dgn pintu yang telah di buka oleh salah sorang production crew tv3 itu... SEDAP OWH>>>> Black KNIGHT nyer aiskrim... terbaik lah... Miss mini copper merah meminta nut case while miss balik umah lak makan mango sumthing thingy... kami makan dalam keadaan kesejukan akibat air-cond.. tapi tetap habis... mark my word.. ICE CREAM YG LAZAT ADALAH KEGEMBIRAAN SEMENTARA!!... setelah menghantar miss balik umah balik ke Miat..

kami berdua telah meneruskan perjalanan ke bagan lalang kerana keinginan untuk memakan sea food yang amat meninggi pada saat itu.. penat lah menaip.. apa kata korang blog miss mini copper merah... kerna seterusnya version dia sama jew... aku blah dulu lah... adios ...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

which r better??

OLLA GUYZ... aku tgh berfikir atau boleh kata terfikir... mana lagi better do da the thing that u love or love da thing dat u do... penat aku fikir sowang2 ( mcm itik berak kapur).. hurm.. kalu aku cuba definasikan atau merumus dan mengakaji ayat2 yang membuat aku berfikir dan membuat korang berfikir aku ni banyak sgt masa nak dibuangkan dgn begitu saja... aku dapat membuat kesimpulan atau dgn kata lain conclusion iaitu sebenar-benarnya dan sejujur-jujurnya yg aku pown x tau apa yg aku fikir kan.. hahahaha... sorry2.... well, baik aku bentangkan idea aku yg agak merapu ni...
kdg2 aku rasa n fikir kalu aku wat things yang aku terlebih suka tahap cipan tgh tido mesti aku bahagia kan... hurm... tapi apa kan daya masa tak akan kembali hancur musnah lah segalanya.. sob2.... tapi kan if kita wat benda yg kita suka tapi org kat keliling kita x approve for instance lah parents aku x suka... aku still akan rasa bahagia kew?? bahagia kew aku kalu wat benda yg wat parents aku tak berapa ikhlas senyuman nyer padaku?? bahagia ker aku kalu benda yg aku wat boley menyebabkan org di keliling aku membenci aku??

tapi kan, kalu aku love da things dat aku wat.. bahagia kah aku?? yelah wat benda yg org lain suh kita wat mesti x bahagia kan??? tapi kan, x bahagia kew kita kalu org lain keliling kita bahagia??
tgk senyuman puas hati dari parents kita x bahagia kew?? tgk org keliling kita senyum senang, kawan2 happy.. x cukup bahagia kew??

entah lah cucu2 sekelian, nenek pown x tau...tapi bg aku kan, apa yg kita wat tu mesti ada kebahagiaan, sedikit ke banyak ker semua terpeluang pada kita mcm mana kita nak pandang sesuatu situasi tu.. kalu kita pandang dr sudut positif, x cepat melatah, cool n rileks sentiasa, kita mesti nampak bahagia tu dtg berlari nak peluk kita... tapi kalu kita asyik nak emo x tentu pasal, hati goyang semacam, asyik nak mengamuk dan negetif jew... bila masa kita nak nampak bahagia tu... bahagia tu dah lari seribu batu tinggalkan kita sebab takut... bahagia ada di mana2 jew, dalam setiap benda yg kita wat... aku bahagia dgn hidup aku kew?? aku pown x tau... yg aku tau.. selagi aku masih boley tgk parents aku senyum, selagi aku masih boley tgk and bergado bodo ngan adik beradik aku, selagi aku boley bergelak ketawa dan share probs ngan kwn2 aku, selagi aku boley makan dgn seleranya ( hahaha), selagi aku boley tido setiap malam ngan tenang dan lena dan selagi aku masih mampu mengukirkan senyuman... aku rasa aku dah cukup puas n happy... bahagia terlalu subjektif bagi dan berbeza2 bg setiap org.. so aku pown x ley concludekan yg aku bahagia.. tapi aku ley conclude kan aku sayang, puas, happy, tenang, aman damai dengan hidup aku skunk ni... probs tu confirm ada... menangis mesti ar selalu... hahahaha...

fikir2kan lah.. apa yg wat korang bahagia?? tul ker korang bahagia??

See Ya L8er... thankz for making ur mind twisting like mine.. hahaha...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hai there..

HUrm... like alwayz im doing things dat people want me to do.... things dat i dun wanna do... than when thing get too unbearable.. i cried which of course i lied in ten thousand reason dat im not crying.. ( im no superwomen)... than again i force up a smile dat i know make some people relieve.... people wonder why i like sleeping so much.. well apart from it make me relax or sum people say coz im lazy.. which both is true... there another reason.. coz m hoping dat when i wake up, my worries r all gone but hey, even a dreamer like me know dat it not gonna happen dat way.. hey... m trying my best to make everybody happy by doing wat perfect for them... so, i hope at least they will stop complaining and asking question... just appreciate wat im trying to do... m in da edge of break down... my mind is not at all peace... my heart is aching badly wishing dis is all a bad dream... just i hope future held sumthing sweet 4 me... till than i have to keep heading forward... no matter how i went forward by walking, cycling, driving, crawling n et... all i know i have to keep going... que sera2... :D

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

IT Alway turn Back At Me

There is always him in my heart,

Evan when I dreamt about my future,

Its him that come to my eyes,

Who knows after years of loneliness,

Years of only dreaming,

He comes into my life once again,

The love that I thought was already gone,

Still there after all this years,

The love that I keep from everyone else,

If u ask me what so special about him,

I never could have answer u,

He was just a normal person,

That makes me smile,

Evan when tears are falling down,

That can take the heaviness in my heart,

Then break it into small pieces,

He is not as handsome as prince charming,

But he is my prince,

He maybe not be charming as the Super Junior,

But he still light up my heart,

He maybe not as kind-hearted as Angelina Jolie,

Still to me he has the heart of gold,

He may not have millions in his bank account,

but his account in my heart reach billions,

Could it be he was never meant for me?

It just a risk i had to take,

as long as he is still in my heart,
i will always try to make his mine...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Top Ten reason why im still single!!

1) Nobody wants me to be their partner..
:) so wat im happy as the way i am!!
2) I dont feel anything to anyone..
:( m i not that normal?? i should feel sumthing rite??
3) i feel suffocated..
:( dont noe y, it make me suffocated when i need to sms or calling sumbody every single day..
4) to happy being single..
: D it too happy being single.. is it my fault??
5) Free to mingle around..
:p free as a bird to flirt or "usha" anak jantan org.. hahaha
6) too much pressure
:S for real, from watching, hearing and concerning bout my fwen love stories make me back off from any door that open for love...
7) Not a fan of the commitment issues yet!
: P wat to say.. im human rite..
8) I want to be single..
:) my life my choices when im want to be a couple..
9) to busy with more importent stuff...
:) I too absorb n too wasting my time in playing game... hahaha
10) last but not least... IM NOT READY YET!!
:) im still not ready to care for sumone except for myself, family and friends..

This is all a lie to cover up for the real reason " IM SCARED TO OPeN My HEaRT to SumOne"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


hai there...
been a while rite since i wrote... too busy (ITS A BIG FAT LIE!!)
citer pasal jodoh ni macam2 lah ceritanyer... entahlah... satu cerita dari turun-temurun membuatkan orang selalu terfikir dalam keadaan ragu2 dan hidup di dalam kekeliruan... semua org nak menjadi mr or mrs internet bergerak x berbayar pabila smapai cerita tentang jodoh sesorang... aku pown kurang mengerti... kdg2 aku rasa terlampau yakin yang sepasang manusia yang aku tgk berdiri sama padan duduk sama cantik adalah jodoh yang sepadan dan memang dijadikan sebagai satu pasangan... tapi x der ribut x ada gempa bumi... muka 2 org manusia yng tadi aku kagumi tersadai di pinggiran makamah syariah... kadang2 kita tgk pasangan yg kita yakin x sesuai... senang cakap... laki dia... huh... punya lah hansem.. kalah brad pitt, kalah tom cruise, kalah lah semua yg hansem di dunia ni... bini dia mcm yo soy betty la fea yg sebelum dia tukar jd cantik... tapi bahagia jew, anak berderet2... 2-3 team futball boleh wat... stay together 4 ever n ever... kadang2 kesian aku tgk org yg dah sepatutnya dah at least membina surau kalau belum bersedia membina masjid di soal siasat oleh manusia yg sudah menjangkau usia layak berkata.. " aku ni lagi awal makan garam" atau dr mereka yg sudah membina masjid.... apa salah diorang dah jodoh x sampai lagi nak wat cam ner... yang lain tu maybe jodoh datang naik jet pejuang.. yang dia ni dtg naik kate api zaman jepun dulu... lambat lah sikit... tah lah... dah lewat ni nanti smbg yer.. gtg.. adios