Wednesday, July 15, 2009


hai there...
been a while rite since i wrote... too busy (ITS A BIG FAT LIE!!)
citer pasal jodoh ni macam2 lah ceritanyer... entahlah... satu cerita dari turun-temurun membuatkan orang selalu terfikir dalam keadaan ragu2 dan hidup di dalam kekeliruan... semua org nak menjadi mr or mrs internet bergerak x berbayar pabila smapai cerita tentang jodoh sesorang... aku pown kurang mengerti... kdg2 aku rasa terlampau yakin yang sepasang manusia yang aku tgk berdiri sama padan duduk sama cantik adalah jodoh yang sepadan dan memang dijadikan sebagai satu pasangan... tapi x der ribut x ada gempa bumi... muka 2 org manusia yng tadi aku kagumi tersadai di pinggiran makamah syariah... kadang2 kita tgk pasangan yg kita yakin x sesuai... senang cakap... laki dia... huh... punya lah hansem.. kalah brad pitt, kalah tom cruise, kalah lah semua yg hansem di dunia ni... bini dia mcm yo soy betty la fea yg sebelum dia tukar jd cantik... tapi bahagia jew, anak berderet2... 2-3 team futball boleh wat... stay together 4 ever n ever... kadang2 kesian aku tgk org yg dah sepatutnya dah at least membina surau kalau belum bersedia membina masjid di soal siasat oleh manusia yg sudah menjangkau usia layak berkata.. " aku ni lagi awal makan garam" atau dr mereka yg sudah membina masjid.... apa salah diorang dah jodoh x sampai lagi nak wat cam ner... yang lain tu maybe jodoh datang naik jet pejuang.. yang dia ni dtg naik kate api zaman jepun dulu... lambat lah sikit... tah lah... dah lewat ni nanti smbg yer.. gtg.. adios

Friday, March 27, 2009

hurm.. apa aku merepek ni??

MONEY!!! we keep stressing ourself bout money, Hurm... bila di fikirkan, adakah duit tu begitu penting dalam hidup, tah lah.. nak kata tak pun mcm yer.. nak kata yer pun x tau... let c my point of view.. kita kata cinta tak mengenal duit atau harta.. betul ker??... bila x ada duit mula lah bergado.. benda yg kecik pun nampak besar.. nak masuk tandas yg kene bayar 20sen pun gado dulu saper nak kene bayar.... huhuhuhu.... tah lah, makan kene catu tapi yg peliknya duit beli prepaid x lak nak catu... x per perut lapar janji duit ada nak beli prepaid.. kalu boleh nak gayut smp monyet2 n beruk2 kat hutan pun naik confuse.. dia yg beruk ker aku yg beruk... tapi kalu ada duit lak, makan ngan agenda bergayut berkemungkinan besar x kan jadi masalah... duit ada nak beli prepaid nak makan apa tah lagi... tah lah.. mcm2.. fikir2 pasal duit ni memang x pernah abis, tp bg aku semua dalam hidup ni ada kos dia.. sama ada kos dia dalam bentuk mata wang atau dalam bentuk yg lebih halus... asal jgn yg kos yg kita bagi tu x berbaloi dgn apa yg kita dapat... perasaan syg pun satu harga gak.... cuma kita x boleh nilai berapa harga sesebuah perasaan itu, ada manusia kata syg kata cinta, lautan api pun sanggup dia sejuk kan.. tapi bila mata dan nafsu di sua ngan duit dah x ingat apa2.. x banyak kene sua baru dua,tiga posen dah serah segalanya... ada org yg berkata syg, tp di sua ngan benda yg lagi menarik tetap begitu syg dia... kadang2 kita terbayar sesebuah perasaan tu kepada seseorang yg tak pandai menilai dan menghargai... kadang2 kita terbayar kurang pada benda yg lebih mahal harganya...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

its been awhile since i post anything.... hurm.. a lot of thing happen to me lately... some make me feel im lucky n some make me feel i had 21 years of bad luck... hahahah... but anyhow, its still the same feeling in da end of the day... i feel lucky and happy dat im alive and can get through it.. evan the result is not to my liking or easy said i failed to the task but at least i done it... nobody can say anything bout it... some thing cannot be change... people talk bout lot of things but in da end it depand how we can accept or how we receive it.. some people says thing dat we interperated differently from wat it meant to be... someone maybe just meant A but in our understanding Aa or just a.... then conflict happen... wat worse if that simple misunderstanding each other make a life long hate.. let says some one says, "hey, r u gaining weight coz u look plumper these day..... which i am... but if im understood differently, let say i undertsood like the person who says these meant that she or he notice me and concern bout my health or well-being... or i understood it differently she or he meant that i am FAT,UGLY,...well this can hurt my feeling n make me feel angry... hurm... Maybe that person just meant that u gaining weight, or he or she really meant ur FAT... who knows the only person dat knows is the person who said it...

TO ALL PEOPLE.. that i mis interprated or they mis interprated me... IM SO SORRY... Angry is a part of nature, and forgiveness is also a part of nature.. i ask ur forgiveness for all the misunderstanding that we may had in da past or da future...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Month 4 Luv...


Some people said dat febuary is da month for love.. n 14 feb is valentine day aka lover days... even if i dont believe dat valentine day is a day for lovers but a lot of people seem to believe in it.. coz for me there is no need for a specific month or day dat we need to show our love to our love ones.. everyday should be valentine day and every month should be month for love... for Miss HANNE says dat she would not celebrate valentine days coz she can it can save a lot of money and it is also "HARAM" for us to celebrate... huhuhuhu.. Well.. even if i n Miss HANNE dont believe it... to respect some of my friend dat believe in dis day n wanna celecbrate it.. i want to share some qoutes with them.....

a)Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. -- -Franklin P. Jones

b) Love is merely madness...

--William Shakespeare

c) True love is like a ghost; everyone talks of it, few have seen it.

--La Rochefoucauld

d)Love is like a Rhino, short-sighted, but always willing to find a way.


e) Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense.

--Helen Rowland

f) You can't blame gravity for falling in love.


g) A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.

--Woodrow Wyatt

h) The mark of a true crush Is that you fall in love first And grope for reasons afterward --Shana Alexander

What luv is?? How it happen?? who knows.. all i knows people try to find luv and always tends to leave wats their all along behind.. when they lose it, they regart it.... but on da next chance they had for one glimpse of they think true love.. they up and ready to had a really big influance on people... people willing to change for love... anyway for those who are madly in luv rite now.. i wish all da best.. cherish da one dat brings smile when tears came, brings peace to da inner u and da outer u.. Gud luck with Valentines day... n be happy :)


Apa itu cinta??


Apa itu cinta?? aku pun tak tau lah kerna aku pun masih x pernah merasa tangkap cintan ni... tapi bg aku ni cinta ini boleh menyebabkan manusia berubah dengan sekelip mata hanya tuk memuaskan hati org yg kita cinta... Cinta ni boleh wat kita jadi sesangatlah sensitip pada benda2 yg dulu kita tak kisah, skunk ni kalu dah cinta baru usik sikit dah nak melenting... aku teringat satu kisah ni.. adalah sowng kawan aku ni.. ari tu dia kuar dating balik2 muka merah mcm nak nangis, aku pun agak cuak ar.. kang dia nangis kang saper nak memujuk.. aku ni bab pujuk2 mana pandai... rupa2 nya bf dia ckp bahagian punggung dia besar sikit tu yg dia sedih tu (to bg mata aku dah ok lah tu.. kalu kecik sikit kang flat pulak) sanggup malam tu jugak dia cari cara senaman nak kecik kan punggung dia ( x tau lah dia wat ke x??)... sebab bf dia baru tegur sikit dah mcm tu, kalu kena marah aku x tau ar... mau dia g london ke new york ker...tapi keadaan masa tu wat aku terfikir dah tertanya2 buat seketika... sehingga muncul post ini... hurm.. ni baru sowang... ada gak kawan aku ni suka sgt pasang spare part ramai2.. sana ada sini pun ada... sana bohong, sini kelentong... tak tau nak cakap apa... bila dah kantoi mengelabah nak jawab.. lubang yg digali dah terlampau besar tuk ditimbus balik.. clash lah jawapan dia... tapi bila dah clash bosan, bila dapat bf balik wat perangai lama balik... x tau ar...Ada gak kwn aku ni kalu bercinta x yah lah ditegur bukan nak dgr pown... dulu sebelum couple tanya pendapat pasal si bf ni, kawan2 ni ngan baik hati bgtau lah itu ini pasal laki ni, yelah kesian kawan sendiri gaks.. x nak dgr... isk2.. org nasihat suh dia jaga2 jgn smp dia kuciwa.. hurm.. suka hati ko lah labu.. nanti ada masalah kwn2 ni gak tukang dgr.. nasib badan lah.... ni ada gak kisah cinta x cukup tinggi.. x bf n gf sama tinggi, si bf ni pendek sikit.. masalahnyer x ada lah besar sgt tapi bila time si gf nak melaram dah makan hati coz x leh pakai kasut tinggi 5,6 inci... hua3.. ada gak sesetengah org ni kalu dah bercinta... emosionalnyer ya amat.. kalu dah gado ngan bf tu.. semua org kene marah.. gila apa, mentel btl.. org lain pown bercinta gak tapi x ada ar nak emo semacam... ni org nak kejut bgn suh makan pun takut2.. aku pun takut.. so jgn harap aku nak kejut kan ko.. kalu ada kebakaran pown,. aku suh org lain kejutkan ko... malas aku nak layan pompuan emo mcm ko... tu baru sikit... ada gak cinta bertepuk sebelah tgn.. cinta kontrak, cinta dalam rahsia.. mcm2 ar... jadi ada sesiapa boleh bgtau aku apa itu cinta??

Monday, February 2, 2009

I hate Monday!!

Aku yg sudah kepenatan.. mcm yg aku tau dan ingat bahawa hari yg bersejarah ni aku ada quiz.. tp yg tetiba ada replacemant class tuk E.C apa ke hal... letih dowh... aku pun satu bengap.. naper lah aku x wat assignment D.C masa weekends.. naper aku gatal nak wat last minute.. tau esk nak anta.. malam ni baru nak wat.. dah tau aku ni anti nombor dan memang tahap terlampau rendah Ram untuk proses even 1 bit.. gatal nak wat malam ni... adui... huhuhu.. lantak lah kerja yg tggl tu aku sambung esk.. penat kowt.... at least 50 % dah siap... ermm.... ngantuk ar.. mau msk tido dulu... c u....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

To Be or Never To Be??


I once read a qoute dat says " its better to be in love and hurt then never in love at all" its soun d something like dat coz i dont remember wat it really said.. is it true?? i asked some people some says dat it better to not be in love if it hurt ur heart.. some says dat its better dat way at least u had felt love, and feel da sweet moment of it(miss bb)... i dun know... if u ask me... i'll say maybe its never to be in love coz it is hurtful when u love some one really, reallllyyy much then one day u know he just playing with u... it must be hurtful... and sometimes broken hearted can make someone loose their sensibility or rasional such as killing urself.. hey its true dat lot of people make drastic decision dat effect others dat love them deeply and theirself just coz ofLOOSING LOVE!!!!!!!.. BUT... if u ask me again.. maybe i says dat being in love is better even in da end ur heart is broken to pieces.. coz at least u know wat love is all about and u felt it deeply at da moment ur in love... there must be a sweet moment in their love affair... Hurm.. but deep in my heart i believe dat never to be in love then i suffer just coz of love... MISS B B u can go to hell.. hua3... Im not kidding... Well, anyway i'll wait for da rite love dat is make for me by Allah coz dat is da one perfect for me.. there no need for me to go out and make other people suffer when i broke their little heart coz im just trying to feel love..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Im wanna be free and happy...

Maybe da time has come,
time to let go,
to let go of all my dreams and hope,
to let go of all of this stupid feeling,
coz by da second,
this hope and feeling making me tired,
tired of living my life like this,
am i just tired coz of You,
You da one dat keep my heart for 6 years,
without You evan knowing it,
i dont know wat this is call,
maybe it just a matter of serious likeness,
maybe i just admire You,
or am i really in love You,
i dont know!!
all i know i really miss You,
it been years now,
i should stop thinking of You,
i did not live my life to da fullest,
just because of You,
i try to laugh everyday,
i fake a smile to cover up my heart,
and i can feel its working,
coz i can slowly let u go,

in da end of some days,
when i cant fake it anymore,
i cry again and again and again,
i cry coz i really miss You,
i cry coz i regart da moment i saw You,
coz at dat moment i give my heart to You,
its not ur faul,
its mine coz im so stupid,

rite now,
im letting You go,
sure i will cry here and then,
but if i dont,
i'll cry everyday....
GoodBye to You,

Is dis da rite choice??

i wonder day and nite,
am i doing the rite thing,
did i make the rite choice,
being here feel so wrong,
sitting here feel like a torture,
here is also the place,
i found the meaning of friendship,
the meaning of hate,
year by year,
i start to like it here,
but its still feel so wrong,
i dont know why..

even when i regrat coming here,
it never last long,
coz i dont know the right choice,
maybe this is da rite choice for me,
being here and learning bout life as its come,
maybe NOT,
still i learning bout life as its come by,
maybe feeling so wrong is the right thing for me,
who knows,

all i wish,
i make da rite choice,
coz by end of da day,
i'll be who suffer or happy,
the future is not our to see, que sera sera.....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bored to death!!

Wargh, aku x tau saper yg kejut aku pagi tadi... nak kata roomate aku x mungkin, masa aku bgn ngan muka terperanjatku dia masih tido.. tapi memang aku rasa ada be nda tepuk suruh aku bgn!! pening aku pikirkan... lantak ar... at least x lewat bgn.. like always g kelas n duduk wat bodoh, bukan wat2 pun, aku memang agak bodoh.. tapi angin satu badan aku tunggu depan kelas coz lec. sebelum tu x kuar2.. dah dekat nak 30 minit lebih aku tunggu baru dia kuar.. apa ke hal lah dia rajin sgt... bukan dpt gaji lebih pown... musykil aku.... huhuhu... then balik, dgn laptop aku yg telah dibetulkan oleh superguys yg baik hati aku pown main game sampai ke ptg...lastly aku rasa pinggang aku nak patah... terus aku benti main coz x tahan sakit... Malam ni sah n confirm ada citer menarik coz ada gathering... cant wait to c wat gonna happen... nak gak tgk junior2 ku yg smbg dan kerek itu (bukan semua yer... sesetengah jer) ... dah ar aku nak smbg main game... nanti aku citer apa jadi kat gathering tu.. kalu aku ada masa lah...