Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Month 4 Luv...


Some people said dat febuary is da month for love.. n 14 feb is valentine day aka lover days... even if i dont believe dat valentine day is a day for lovers but a lot of people seem to believe in it.. coz for me there is no need for a specific month or day dat we need to show our love to our love ones.. everyday should be valentine day and every month should be month for love... for Miss HANNE says dat she would not celebrate valentine days coz she can it can save a lot of money and it is also "HARAM" for us to celebrate... huhuhuhu.. Well.. even if i n Miss HANNE dont believe it... to respect some of my friend dat believe in dis day n wanna celecbrate it.. i want to share some qoutes with them.....

a)Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. -- -Franklin P. Jones

b) Love is merely madness...

--William Shakespeare

c) True love is like a ghost; everyone talks of it, few have seen it.

--La Rochefoucauld

d)Love is like a Rhino, short-sighted, but always willing to find a way.


e) Falling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense.

--Helen Rowland

f) You can't blame gravity for falling in love.


g) A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.

--Woodrow Wyatt

h) The mark of a true crush Is that you fall in love first And grope for reasons afterward --Shana Alexander

What luv is?? How it happen?? who knows.. all i knows people try to find luv and always tends to leave wats their all along behind.. when they lose it, they regart it.... but on da next chance they had for one glimpse of they think true love.. they up and ready to had a really big influance on people... people willing to change for love... anyway for those who are madly in luv rite now.. i wish all da best.. cherish da one dat brings smile when tears came, brings peace to da inner u and da outer u.. Gud luck with Valentines day... n be happy :)
