Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Im wanna be free and happy...

Maybe da time has come,
time to let go,
to let go of all my dreams and hope,
to let go of all of this stupid feeling,
coz by da second,
this hope and feeling making me tired,
tired of living my life like this,
am i just tired coz of You,
You da one dat keep my heart for 6 years,
without You evan knowing it,
i dont know wat this is call,
maybe it just a matter of serious likeness,
maybe i just admire You,
or am i really in love You,
i dont know!!
all i know i really miss You,
it been years now,
i should stop thinking of You,
i did not live my life to da fullest,
just because of You,
i try to laugh everyday,
i fake a smile to cover up my heart,
and i can feel its working,
coz i can slowly let u go,

in da end of some days,
when i cant fake it anymore,
i cry again and again and again,
i cry coz i really miss You,
i cry coz i regart da moment i saw You,
coz at dat moment i give my heart to You,
its not ur faul,
its mine coz im so stupid,

rite now,
im letting You go,
sure i will cry here and then,
but if i dont,
i'll cry everyday....
GoodBye to You,

Is dis da rite choice??

i wonder day and nite,
am i doing the rite thing,
did i make the rite choice,
being here feel so wrong,
sitting here feel like a torture,
here is also the place,
i found the meaning of friendship,
the meaning of hate,
year by year,
i start to like it here,
but its still feel so wrong,
i dont know why..

even when i regrat coming here,
it never last long,
coz i dont know the right choice,
maybe this is da rite choice for me,
being here and learning bout life as its come,
maybe NOT,
still i learning bout life as its come by,
maybe feeling so wrong is the right thing for me,
who knows,

all i wish,
i make da rite choice,
coz by end of da day,
i'll be who suffer or happy,
the future is not our to see, que sera sera.....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bored to death!!

Wargh, aku x tau saper yg kejut aku pagi tadi... nak kata roomate aku x mungkin, masa aku bgn ngan muka terperanjatku dia masih tido.. tapi memang aku rasa ada be nda tepuk suruh aku bgn!! pening aku pikirkan... lantak ar... at least x lewat bgn.. like always g kelas n duduk wat bodoh, bukan wat2 pun, aku memang agak bodoh.. tapi angin satu badan aku tunggu depan kelas coz lec. sebelum tu x kuar2.. dah dekat nak 30 minit lebih aku tunggu baru dia kuar.. apa ke hal lah dia rajin sgt... bukan dpt gaji lebih pown... musykil aku.... huhuhu... then balik, dgn laptop aku yg telah dibetulkan oleh superguys yg baik hati aku pown main game sampai ke ptg...lastly aku rasa pinggang aku nak patah... terus aku benti main coz x tahan sakit... Malam ni sah n confirm ada citer menarik coz ada gathering... cant wait to c wat gonna happen... nak gak tgk junior2 ku yg smbg dan kerek itu (bukan semua yer... sesetengah jer) ... dah ar aku nak smbg main game... nanti aku citer apa jadi kat gathering tu.. kalu aku ada masa lah...